Stuttering and Introversion

Stuttering Iceberg

  Did you forget your name or can you repeat that more slowly? This destroys anyone’s confidence especially one that stutters. This isn’t why I’m so quiet in class though. Stuttering is the main reason, however my personality doesn’t help. When extroverts see someone who’s quiet, or soft-spoken they automatically label them an introvert. This is what happened to me back in grade school. In a work environment it only gets worse, especially in retail.

My first job experience

  I worked part-time as a cashier assistant mostly. My cashier who I was paired with would constantly ask me to repeat things until I was blue in the face. Since I was only seasonal I had little power. I just about had it! Alas only one manager was on my side (she has an older son that stutters and she knows sign language so we got on well). We were outnumbered by 7 other managers (5 females) who decided that even though I was the only one fluent in sign language, they would lay me off because I’m too “soft-spoken”. Great job experience right?

  Lastly I’m just sad I’m not being able to find a girlfriend, who’s not just in it for sympathy ya know? I know the old saying, “There’s plenty of fish in the sea”, but what if that sea is empty as soon as you dive in?

– James

17 thoughts on “Stuttering and Introversion

  1. I know this is 3 years late but I know what you mean. I have social anxiety and was put on register. After one year, first job, talking to people, I swear I developed a stutter. Don’t know if it’s possible, but all the stress, all the social interaction, after a year of that, I began to stutter and stammer my words. Many customers complain I’m too quite. Some, to my face, will tell me what I said wrong. It definitely lowers your self esteem. I recently just got a review from a manager about being more talkative. It’s really difficult being an introvert or having social anxiety while being in customer service.

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    1. Hi Kayla,

      No worries at all in regards to the timing of your comment! I used to work in retail as well, specifically Costco, and it was very stressful and anxiety was a daily occurrence. It is possible to develop a stutter due to severe anxiety and stress. Here’s a great article titled, “Why We Stutter – Anxiety Disorders” which dabbles more into the connections and links you may find interesting. I work for a local school district and yes it is very difficult being an introverted person in a society that sees that as weird or abnormal. Best of luck to you and your future endeavors feel free to drop any of us on here a line at anytime!




        1. Huzzah!! 🙂 I’m very happy my words have inspired you to talk freely about your stutter, my other friends/bloggers on this site also stutter and we’re always looking for more people who wish to share their experiences.


              1. Thank you for the offer 🙂 but I am no writer. I am not sure how well my experiences is going to sound when I finally write it down. May be once that is done, you can rethink about your offer 😉

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