A Short Vacation

A Short VacationA Short Vacation

This past weekend my family and I went for a day vacation to the beach. I was rejuvenated by the ocean air, the soft breeze on my cheek, and the glow from the sun turning the skies clear and blue. I’m into photography so I captured some shots while exploring the beach, I actually got lost once but I found my way back (eventually).

Being in this calm and soothing environment helped me to actually relax and not worry about lingering assignments, since I got them done ahead of time. I also noticed I was more engaging with my family by asking questions, and even cracking jokes. On this trip I no longer thought about the words I would block on, I just kept going and had an enjoyable vacation. Can’t wait to see where we go on our next adventure!


7 thoughts on “A Short Vacation

  1. Last summer I went to the outer banks in North Carolina so I got to see wild horses,foxes,and there was this one bird that was really weird.it looked like it was supposed to be somewhere more tropical anyway we drove there it took like ten hours.


  2. Sea always gives me a sense of calm, listening to the waves splashing and the way the clouds paint those pretty pictures in the sky when they pass by, when I am lying down in the beach. Miss it 🙂


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